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Re: Be honest...

Posted: March 23rd, 2014, 1:56 pm
by vpc66 know I am sick in the head so I tried clicking on the picture knowing that "D" is very sick ...but Damn if nothing happen to give me that staring at a train wreck feeling....I am sad now :cry:

Re: Be honest...

Posted: March 24th, 2014, 9:11 pm
by neo_pop_71

sorry to let you down, chum...

I was going for a safe, plus size girl that Derek loves before he makes any rash decisions.

Obviously, she is only looking for long rides (missionary style) and good conversations!!!


Re: Be honest...

Posted: March 24th, 2014, 9:48 pm
by vpc66
Heck, Derek would take her bike..ya know being the food guy that he is ....I can see him pedaling along with a wine bottle or two, good hunk of bread and few odd and ends in that fine basket.

Re: Be honest...

Posted: March 25th, 2014, 9:47 am
by neo_pop_71
Oh man, what an image... it's warping my mind!!!

While wearing a beret?

Possibly Daisy Duke shorts and a cut off tank top?

Re: Be honest...

Posted: March 25th, 2014, 12:32 pm
by vpc66

Re: Be honest...

Posted: March 25th, 2014, 3:02 pm
by neo_pop_71
Glad you liked that one!


Picture it now... Derek's long hairy legs accented by the white fringe from his cropped denim shorts with the wind whistling through the hairs of his fuzzy midriff and that oh so chic and stylish beret letting all that see know that they are looking at pure sexiness!!! Oooh la-la...

Re: Be honest...

Posted: March 25th, 2014, 3:09 pm
by vpc66
You did not make that have seen that in parts of your home state I am sure !

Re: Be honest...

Posted: March 25th, 2014, 4:22 pm
by vpc66
Hey " D " are you on spring break right now? My kids have this week off and the feeling of summer is in the air...I work right on St. Pete beach so I get all the tourist and spring breakers in my way on the drive to and from work. That part sucks but the sights are nice...well some of them, I am sure you would come up with the nasty stuff. Anyways the point is, if you are off I hope you and the little one get in some fun time riding the bikes !

Re: Be honest...

Posted: March 25th, 2014, 5:01 pm
by neo_pop_71
To clarify your first point about me making up fuzzy midriff bit, hard to say but I did see plenty of head-scratching things when I lived at the beach. I lived in Long Beach after I graduated from college in '96, L.B. is the 3rd largest city in California and ranks 2nd in population in the gay community. I'm sure I ran or rode past someone matching that description... except maybe for the beret as that's all Derek!

I am off this week but no dice on the bonus rides with pee-wee, her spring break doesn't happen for 3 more weeks. I'll probably take a day or two when she has her vacation, gotta create some lasting memories somewhere!

Re: Be honest...

Posted: March 25th, 2014, 10:29 pm
by Derek
Ok, first of all.... that's my sister. So lay off.... second of all.. I hear a little jealousy going on here. Don't think any of you trailer park bike gigolos could rock cut-offs and a mullet like me. Third, Franzia doesn't count as wine, more like whine cuz you can't afford anything else, and she is NOT a cheap date.

Missionary? Don't knock it till you try it. 40-year old virgins on this site sheesh. Can't appreciate the caviar till you've had the deviled eggs and pickled pigs feet.

Everyone (including Vinnie) needs a little attention every once in awhile.