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Tip of the Day: Gaff Tape for a chain protector

Posted: June 28th, 2012, 12:16 pm
by mixalive
While I was re-shoeing my A2M this morning, I noticed my chain protector needed a little attention. So, I decided to make this Tip of the Day post.
My A2M originally came with one of those cheapie chain protectors, like a Finish Line. It started falling off after the first season of riding. Now, I work in the entertainment industry on concert and theatrical stages. They use this cool tape called Gaff tape. It is what Gaffer’s use to tape down cables or whatever needs to be taped. Gaff tape is a cloth based tape and comes in many colors, with the most common color in black. You won’t find this stuff at the hardware store. Your local theatrical supply house will stock it as well at online. I buy mine from It is kind of pricey at $17 a roll. But this stuff works great for chain protector material. It will last a long time, until the glue dries out and begins to fall off.

Re: Tip of the Day: Gaff Tape for a chain protector

Posted: June 28th, 2012, 12:19 pm
by mixalive
First, I use mineral spirits to remove any old glue from the previous chain protector. Mineral spirits works for me but be sure to test on your paint as it can loosen up really cheap paint. Be sure to wipe it down with a water wet rag after cleaning with the mineral spirits.

Re: Tip of the Day: Gaff Tape for a chain protector

Posted: June 28th, 2012, 12:20 pm
by mixalive
I then figure out my width and tear a strip off the roll of gaff tape. You don’t even need to use scissors with this stuff.

Re: Tip of the Day: Gaff Tape for a chain protector

Posted: June 28th, 2012, 12:22 pm
by mixalive
Then lay it on the frame and you are done. The last time I did this to the A2M was in 1995, so it lasted for a very long time. But my bikes are kept inside, so probably contributed to the length of time.

Re: Tip of the Day: Gaff Tape for a chain protector

Posted: June 28th, 2012, 12:23 pm
by mixalive
Here is the finished result.

Re: Tip of the Day: Gaff Tape for a chain protector

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 12:41 am
by Mark
Great tip and tutorial!