
Tales from the trails..
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Post by cudarider1 »

I hadn't ridden in 3 or 4 weeks because work has been out of hand so I took of this past Tuesday to get a few things done around the house and hit the trails in the evening. My and my buddies head up to a fun spot that we've ridden plenty of times, I was phyched to get some riding time in plus I had a new thomson stem that I added to the stumpjumper so I was feeling good. the trail starts out with a nice fast flowy double track going down hill which I love. I come around a turn cruising nice, theres a log 1/2 burried then a drop then another log then it continues down, so I hit the first log and pull up as usual to get some nice air and the front tire slips out and I go 45 degrees in the air next thing I know I'm slamming hard into the ground and instead of rolling I slid over hardpack witha few rocks and roots. it took me a while before I could take a breath, visor busted off my helmet, road rash from my shoulder almost to my wrist and again on my leg and my ribs are either fractured or very bruised. It hurts to breath and forget about caughing or sneezing. I can only sleep on my right side. The skin loss stings but the rib thing is really bothering me. The worst part is that we are planning trip to Killington Ski area in Late september to do the lift access trails so I need to heal up and get riding again soon. definately a bummer. Not my worst crash ever but at 40 it's getting harder to bounce back. Her are a few pics these are from 3 days after.
Left Forearm
Left Forearm
IMG_0734.JPG (40.71 KiB) Viewed 22432 times
Left shoulder
Left shoulder
IMG_0733.JPG (47.87 KiB) Viewed 22432 times
Left Leg
Left Leg
IMG_0732.JPG (55.17 KiB) Viewed 22432 times

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Re: Crash

Post by mixalive »

A badge of honor.. :mrgreen:
93 A2R blue/white 14" Craigslist Austin, on the cheap
94 A2M silver/white 14" Cenna's Cycles SA, original owner
94 Cuda Comp purple/white 14" won on Ebay
95 XX Team gold/white 14" Craigslist Memphis

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Re: Crash

Post by cudarider1 »

I had the xray and it ends up that I have a noon-displaces fracture of the 6th rib so I won't be riding for a few weeks.


Re: Crash

Post by willywill »

Always fun to compare injuries!

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Re: Crash

Post by vpc66 »

Carbon forks ....I think about that with my carbon handlebars from time to time. I know from past post Neo does not seem to care for carbon parts,bet he has a good story of a part cutting loose on a ride...guess I need to learn the hard way.
Relax and have deep water thoughts.

F.C.C.R Ride hard,Ride Fast.....Go Insane


Re: Crash

Post by willywill »

Steel would have certainly held up better than the carbon, but I doubt I would have faired any better after hitting a dog at 26 mph.

Thankfully, the dog was fine. :lol:

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Re: Crash

Post by cudarider1 »

Wow, nasty looking elbow. Mine resembled that when it first happened getting the dirt and rocks out is the worst part.


Re: Crash

Post by willywill »

It took forever to heal, I had to change the bandages multiple times a day for at least three weeks. That happened at the end of last summer and just in the last month has it really fully scarred over.

The shoulder still aches (torn tendons and muscles, nothing worthy of surgery thankfully) but I am finally able to ease back into pushups and lifting some light weights.

The worst part of it all was after it happened I had to sit on the side of the road a bloody freaking mess and get eaten alive by mosquitoes while my ride came to pick me up...and only one person stopped to see if I was ok. So much for southern hospitality...

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